cLINK – Center of Excellence for Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge was an ERASMUS MUNDUS project, coordinated by Northumbria University, UK. It offered scholarships for mobilities from Asia to Europe. Target groups were students, researchers and staff members of any level of higher education. The cLINK project closed on the 14th of July 2016 its portal after 4 years of fruitful exchange.
This project facilitates the academic exchange between European and Asian universities. Beyond the University of Bremen the other European universities are located in the United Kingdom, France, Romania and Hungary. Asian partners are located in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Thailand, Malaysia, India.

- Participants of the cLINK KickOff meeting in Chengdu, China, 2012.

- The second cLINK meeting took part in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in conjunction with the FUSION KickOff.
Erasmus Mundus was a program of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Commission. Action 2 supported partnerships with Third Country Higher Education Institutions and scholarships for mobility. cLINK (center of excellence for Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge) was under Erasmus Mundus and External Cooperation: Asia Region, (Ref: EACEA/42/11), Strand 1 Lot 9, Grant Agreement No. 2012-2645/001-001-EM, Action 2-Partnerships.